Monday, February 21, 2011

Making Money Working

“With just one impressive speech, Chris Christie put three full days of CPAC speakers to shame.

“That’s the bottom line from a bipartisan panel of experts, who watched the New Jersey governor’s address on Wednesday at the American Enterprise Institute for POLITICO – and drew a sharp contrast between Christie and the cattle call of potential GOP hopefuls at the just-concluded conservative gathering…

“‘He hit precisely the right notes people are looking for,’ Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons said of the Republican, citing the governor’s focus on getting the states and nation’s fiscal house in order…

“‘He looked presidential in the kind of Hollywood sense,’ Simmons said. ‘The Bulworth, straight-talking politician. John Goodman on The West Wing. Republican guy from the heartland. He looked that part but it’s a long way to go from there to the White House.’”


“The way to understand Christie, says Ben Dworkin, director of the Institute for New Jersey politics at Rider University, ‘is he has the leadership skills of a powerful prosecutor who happens to be governor. He argues his case in the press, and he stays on the attack constantly.’ As a federal prosecutor in New Jersey, Christie never lost a corruption case, and there were plenty in a state best known for The Sopranos. His favorite phrase: ‘Heads I win, tails you lose.’ Yet he’s declined to join other Republican governors and attorneys general in challenging Obama’s health care reform. He says he doesn’t have the money to fool around with that stuff right now, and if the law is found unconstitutional, New Jersey will benefit without having to kick in legal fees.

“His refusal to join in suggests a degree of pragmatism that is attractive to non-true believers. This is a guy who has focused his message of change, and is clear about what he stands for. This is distinct from Obama’s message of change, which meant different things to different people in 2008 and left almost everybody disappointed…

“Christie’s tough-guy approach is working, making him a national figure after just 13 months in office. ‘He commands the bully pulpit more effectively than any other governor we have seen in modern history,’ says Dworkin, who predicts Christie will deliver the keynote address at the GOP convention in 2012.”


DYLAN RATIGAN, HOST: Go ahead, Jonathan. Set all of that aside, just your evaluation of [New Jersey Governor Chris] Christie, period, as a politician and his rhetoric.

JONATHAN CAPEHART, WASHINGTON POST: I think Chris Christie is terrific. Here’s a guy whose tough talk is matched up by tough action. All those things he’s talking about, he talked about at AEI today, those are all things he’s done with the exception of dealing with entitlements and things like that which he doesn’t really have to deal with because he’s a governor. But because he’s a governor in a state with deep financial problems and is forced every day, day in and day out, to make decisions, you know, he’s, he’s making them and he’s not sugar-coating them. He’s not trying to be anybody’s friend. He, you know, President Obama talks about adult conversations. Speaker Boehner talks about adult conversations surrounding the big, tough issues that face the country. Chris Christie is the one who’s actually having the adult conversation and making the tough decisions. And when people get in his face and try to yell back at him, he yells back. He actually yells back, which is why I think is driving his popularity.


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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Making Money Guide

SEO in the niche of web hosting and domain name registration

In this article we`ll try to generalize our practices in promotion of companies that provide web hosting and domain registration services.

We will talk about such questions:

  • Analysis of hosting / domain name registration market and finding potentially advantageous promotion directions;

  • Features of keywords selection in the conditions of SEO-pressure

  • Definition of promotion strategy

  • Methods of getting links

  • Features of different queries groups conversion depending on geography

  • Typical problems that interfere sites conversion and ways of their solution

Market analysis and competitive researches. Finding potentially advantageous promotion directions

First of all, it is necessary to note that a large traffic in the niche of web hosting is deceptive. If you look at Google AdWords Keyword Tool data you will find out the following picture:

In fact, there are about 400-500 visits from the 8th– 9th place for a query “hosting” per month. It`s necessary to consider this and other points while planning hosting project promotion, because information about a large amount of queries in the Google AdWords Keyword Tool is “stuffed” with endless positions checks. As the market of hosting projects and domain name registrars is extremely competitive, you have a great chance to invest money, work and time in promotion of such queries that are stuffed and do not bring traffic and sales, and after all you can incur losses and even remain disappointed in the search promotion at all. The same can be said about domain name registration.

In fact, there are about 500-600 visits from the 5th – 6th place for a query “domain” per month.

That`s why, in our opinion, it`s better to begin promotion of hosting project or domain name registrar with finding active competitors in the search marketing niche and define their strategies.  For this purpose we can recommend a wonderful tool – SemRush.

So, we need to find competitor sites in our niche, which are actively engaged in the Internet marketing. We just type highly competitive query corresponding to the topic in SemRush and find sites that are ranked well for it:

Now we need to make cleaning, i.e., remove irrelevant sites from the list. In this case, obviously, Wikipedia must be removed from the list. After checking a few queries important for you in the same way, we will receive a “crossed” list of sites. Sites from this list have good rankings for many queries in this subject, so they should be examined primarily.

Lets take a site as an example:

The example shows that, firstly, the number of search queries for which the site “hostgator” is shown has an explicit trend to growth. It reflects the efforts made by the owners of this project to increase its visibility in search engines.

After selection of queries that bring maximum traffic to the project according to SemRush, we get an approximate keywords list which can be used to start promotion.

Making the list of necessary keywords, let’s see whether it is a good idea for us to «meddle into a fight» for these keywords. You should consider such factor, as SEO-pressure, for this purpose.

Features of keywords selection in the conditions of SEO-pressure

You can use different tools to estimate a competition for the selected query. A plug-in for FireFox called SeoQuake is one of convenient free instruments.

Let’s type a relevant query interesting for us, e.g., business hosting:

You can see that some strong sites are present in SERP, and some of them have got from several hundreds thousand to millions of backlinks and even more. The competition in SERPs is about to be really strong, so I would like to repeat: you should select a semantic core very carefully. Moreover, there are sometimes artifacts in SERPs, and learning them is possible only from experience. Let’s take the query “ecommerce hosting”. This query is high frequency in subtopic «hosting for ecommerce sites», it has about 12 thousand searches per month in exact match worldwide:

We can see that the trends of search don’t show any sudden jumps or drops.

The target audience for these queries is in the U.S. and UK – the most creditworthy regions in general. However, traffic for such query from the American Google Top5 – Top6 is about 1-3 persons a day, with natural drops on weekends; it gives us about 40 people a month. A conversion rate for these queries is extremely low. Of course, promotion for this queries is acceptable only with the purposes of improving positioning and brand awareness, but as for sales it isn`t effective.

Let`s take a query “reseller web hosting” which has next data from Google KeyWord Tool worldwide, for comparison:

The query brings twice more traffic from the 4th-5th places having twice smaller amount of searches in exact match according to Google KeyWord Tool! Conversion rate of this query is also quite high. At that, Google Insights give the following data:

At the same time the great part of traffic and transactions comes from the U.S. and UK users despite of the fact that the site holds comparable positions also in

All of these patterns are also true for domain name registrars.

It’s impossible to know this information without experience in promoting a site for such queries or without trying PPC advertising in exact match. There are a lot of keywords like these, so you should constantly monitor all queries in the aggregate estimating of the effectiveness of each one.

You can also “pull out” perspective keywords making the analysis of the backlinks text anchor to sites of competitors who are actively engaged in search marketing. You can use special tools, for example, CS Yazzle or SEO SpyGlass by LinkAssistant, either manually using Yahoo! Site Explorer.

To estimate a real traffic on a query you may also try PPC in exact match.

The following method can be used to estimate keywords efficiency. The initial necessary data is:

  • Position for a keyword;

  • Traffic on it;

  • Estimated number of searches from Google Keyword Tool in the exact and phrase match for the world and top regions;

  • Quantity of page views;

  • Time spent on a site;

  • Bounce rate;

  • Conversion rate.

Microsoft Excel counts a parity of all these factors with the help of formulas and allows realizing efficiency/inefficiency of each keyword visually.

Perspective traffic, quantity of searches per month (data of Google AdwordsKeywordTool) and conversion data for each query are marked with green color. Indicators exceeded the average indicators for the site to the worse are marked with red (bounce rate, number of pages reviews).The percent of conversion which vastly differs to better from the average indicator for the site is marked with yellow color in the last column (Conversion rate).

Using this technique allows tracking the most convertible requests and receiving greater outcome from a client’s site.

Selection of promotion strategy

Based on our experience in promotion of projects in the niche of hosting and domain names registration we can say that the most high-frequency, convertible and competitive queries are in these topics exactly.

Shared vs VPS vs Dedicated

If to compare an earning power of dedicated servers sale (VPS) and earning power of shared hosting sale you will come to the conclusion that in general virtual (Shared) hosting sale is more profitable: one dedicated server sale brings around 200$ of income, at the same time sale of the same server “cutted” on virtual (Shared) hosting allows to earn much more (~100×5$), even with the consideration of the increasing load on a support.

However, traffic in Shared hosting subtopic is much less than in dedicated server subtopic. People interested in such things, according to our observations, come by queries like “cheap hosting”, “cheap web hosting”, and the quantity of such searches is very small because Godaddy and Hostgator take away the lion’s share of these customers, mainly due to type-in traffic.

In this case, it seems to be a good decision to perform promotion in the VPS and Dedicated sector.

Many companies, apparently, have come to the same conclusion: promotion for queries of “shared” group is much easier, than for queries related to dedicated servers.

Specialized kinds of hosting

As we have noted above, low-frequency traffic brings rather small part in general traffic and conversion; therefore, in our opinion, it`s better to begin promotion for high-frequency keywords with addition low – and mid-frequency keywords, which give a great bulk of sales and target traffic on a site. However, if your hosting site sells “exotic ” types of hosting, such as hosting with support of Zen Cart or Django, then such low-frequency, long-tail keywords can justify themself at the initial stages of promotion.

A cost of their promotion to the Top-10 is small, and similar “exotic hosting” is usually searched by people who understand the subject well and thus type long queries in search bars.

Eventually, when the site starts to rank well for competitive queries, it makes sense to “collect” low-frequency “long tail” of queries in subjects, not to miss this small piece of the market.

Also I would like to notice that promotion for keywords like “hosting” and “web hosting” is extremely difficult process due to high competition (though these keywords begin to “sell” beginning from top-20!)

Methods of getting links

The basis of search optimization are at the moment:

  • keyword research;

  • texts and meta tags optimization according to the keywords;

  • adding backlinks with correct “anchors” (with right reference texts).

As we have already noted, hosting sites have a large number of backlinks. How do they receive so many backlinks? This is obvious, that reviews and comments at forums will never help to collect tens thousands of links. Four main methods used in this theme should be picked out. Some of them are typical for other niches and some of them have unusual “boom” exactly in hosting and domain subjects.

  • Link exchange (the proper way)

  • Links buying (the smart way)

  • Getting links through its own affiliate program.

Conversion of search traffic

Let’s look at the comparative analysis of search traffic conversion in various regions (sample of more than 90.000 sales for “domain names” and more than 2000 sales for the “hosting” market):

Remember Righthaven? That's the company with the business model of suing bloggers over copyright that ignited one of the more recent fair use controversy debates. A report last month from Fortune about the company asked questions like: "Could clicking a Like button lead to a lawsuit?" and "Are the days of posting stories to Facebook, emailing articles to friends, or printing out pieces numbered?" and suggested that social media could be "maimed". For further context read our previous coverage here and here. 

Are you concerned with how others use your own content? Let us know. 

While we even found that to be a bit sensational at the time, words from Copyright Clearance Center Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Frederic Haber seem to confirm that. He shared some commentary on the subject with WebProNews.

When asked whether he though social media sharing and emailing of articles was in jeopardy, his response was: "In jeopardy from copyright?  No, copyright helps make all of that possible. Without copyright, it's much less likely that either the software or the articles would have existed to be shared. Users have always shared materials that they read or experienced and wanted to bring to the notice of their friends and social circles, and copyright has never stopped that; on the other hand, going into the publishing business by distributing other people's creations to strangers with whom you have no connection rather than creating things yourself is another matter."

"Social media sharing between friends or within social circles shouldn't impede publishers' and creators' ability to profit from their content, and neither should wider sharing of focused selections where the person doing the sharing is actually saying something like 'look how great this is!' or 'can you believe that he said this?' Then the person doing the sharing is actually making a contribution to society, even if in only a small way, and that is exactly the kind of thing that fair use protects. Simply making a copy in order to save someone else from having to buy her own is something else."

The definition of fair use often seems a little blurry because of the gray areas (particularly online). When asked how fair use is defined for digital content, Haber said, "Fair use is a remarkable tool developed by federal judges over 170 years to balance the rights of copyright holders with the Constitutional injunction that copyright is intended 'to promote the progress of Science', which necessarily means that users must be able to use copyrighted works in some ways without being deemed infringers."

"In the Copyright Act of 1976, Congress finally enshrined fair use in statute, but did not define it because what is fair use and what is not vary so widely with circumstances," he continued. "Instead, Congress adopted and refined a test that judges had been developing over the years, directing a court to look at all the circumstances surrounding a use and make a judgment as to the appropriate way that a copyright holder's rights and a user's fair use privilege can best be balanced.  That's the famous 'four factor' test of Section 107 of the Copyright Act."

"A fair use, then, is defined for digital content exactly as it's defined for all other content. It's a use that benefits society generally but does not unreasonably interfere with a copyright holder's right to exploit and protect its creative output (a right which is itself intended to encourage the creation of more creative output for the ultimate benefit of society). The four factor test is technology-neutral, much as copyright itself is technology-neutral, because it is intended to address the needs and rights of people (and not technologies) in as balanced a fashion as possible."

"The question as to whether a use is a fair use is always whether the use goes beyond that which is reasonable in the circumstances (with the four factors as a guide to doing that analysis) or unreasonably interferes with a copyright holder's rights to, for example, earn the money through selling copies of her work that she needs to earn to make MORE copyrighted works for others to experience and share.  With that as the standard, social media sharing or emailing articles between friends shouldn't be at risk."

As for Righthaven's practices, Haber had the following to say: "Righthaven appears to be using the courts to test the fair use balance by responding to some users' use with an allegation that goes beyond that which is reasonable in the circumstances and interferes with the copyright holder's right to benefit from its own creative output. Here, the creator of content (the newspaper) is conveying its right to sue to another party - Righthaven - which appears to be more prepared to test the fair use claim (than a newspaper which would rather focus on its core business), but the issue should be the same. Copyright holders have long sought court protection against infringers, including those who allege fair use but are not in fact making fair use."

At last count, the number of Righthaven's lawsuits was up to 225, and they were also going after content providers that didn't even have sites. 

Do you agree with Righthaven's practices? Tell us what you think.

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UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

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Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

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Obama to Friend Zuckerberg in San Fran -

UPDATE: FOX News has confirmed two other participants in Thursday's meeting. Both Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Zuckerberg and the president.

NBC Nightly <b>News</b> Report on Toomer&#39;s Poisoning - Track Em Tigers

Your best source for quality Auburn Tigers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With <b>...</b>

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Money With Website

Subscription Porn Site SLAPPed Down After Suing RedTube For Undermining Its Business Model

from the competing-isn't-undermining dept

We've joked in the past about how many of the complaints we see from companies about new, more innovative competitors, is that they somehow represent "felony interference of a business model." Some companies, it seems, like to believe that if they have a successful business model, any new competitor that changes the market around must be doing so illegally. Eric Goldman points us to just such a lawsuit in California, where the proprietor of a subscription based porn website sued RedTube, one of many, many porn-focused free streaming video sites, and many of RedTube's advertisers, arguing unfair competition. Basically, the argument was that by setting up a website and offering these porn videos for free, while making money on the advertising, RedTube was effectively "dumping" its product on the market below cost in order to harm the market and make money elsewhere.

RedTube, in response, filed an anti-SLAPP claim, saying that the lawsuit sought to silence RedTube exercising its First Amendment rights of speech. While a lower court mostly agreed, it did leave open one small piece of the unfair competition claim, related to the issue of the claim that someone at RedTube's parent company signed up for the plaintiff's subscription website, downloaded the videos, and posted them on RedTube. However, the California state appeals court rejects the lower court's argument, and agrees that even this claim should be tossed out, because it's only unfair competition if the plaintiff can show that he has, in fact, lost money or property as a result of the unfair competition. Since the plaintiff was unable to do so, the court ruled that this claim got tossed out too (though, if true, you do wonder if there might be a copyright issue -- which does not appear to have been raised here).

On the overall point of underpricing the market unfairly, the court points out how silly this is, noting that giving away free content in exchange for advertising is a business model that's been around for ages, and is hardly a form of unfair competition:

If Bright's business model sounds familiar it's because it's the business model
typical of broadcast radio and television stations in the United States not to mention
thousands of local newspapers and, more recently, tens of thousands of Internet websites
including Youtube, CNN and Video.Yahoo.

The court also points out, in its opening, that business models change, and companies need to keep up -- and they shouldn't expect the law to keep their old business models in place:

In the 21st century, businesses of all kinds are having to adapt to a constantly
changing commercial landscape. The business that the parties describe as the "adult
entertainment" industry is no exception. Websites that originally made their money by
offering such material on a subscription or pay-per-view basis are being replaced by
"tube" websites which offer their content for free and make their money through

There's also an interesting discussion over whether or not RedTube qualifies for SLAPP protections, as the site's content must involve the "furtherance of their right of free speech on a public issue." The plaintiff said that his complaint had nothing to do with stopping speech, but from the "anti-competitive conduct." The court notes that even publishing videos of porn online is conduct in the furtherance of speech and, in fact, that there is a "substantial public interest in the kind of sexually explicit videos shown on tube-sites such as Redtube." That's one way to put it.

The final point that seemed worth discussing on this is just how silly some "anti-competitive" behavior laws and rulings can be. Part of the plaintiff's argument here was to bring up a bit of caselaw involving two competing San Fransisco tourist cruises, where one firm got in trouble for selling tickets below cost, even though the firm made it up elsewhere. The court rejects this, by claiming that the earlier ruling doesn't apply here because RedTube "does not sell two separate products." That seems silly to me, and if anything really just highlights the problem with the original court ruling about using the tickets as a loss leader. If you read the ruling this way, you get a nonsensical result: giving away the videos for free would be legal, but charging a penny for them could suddenly be seen as unfair competition, because now it would be "selling" two separate products. Bundling multiple products, such that some are given away free or cheaply in the interest of a larger business model should never be seen as anti-competitive on its own. While I agree with the outcome, it seemed like this was the most confused part of the court's ruling, in that it tapdanced around what was, basically, a really bad ruling. The real issue should be to get rid of any rule that says such kinds of bundles are against the law in the first place.

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This is some shit Lea Michele's brain might burp up during award season when she's practicing her acceptance speech in the mirror while hugging the Oscar, Emmy, Grammy and Tony award reproductions she had made at the trophy store around the corner from her house. Deadline Hollywood says that Melissa Leo of The Fighter, who will be making out with an Oscar statue in a couple of Sundays, used her own money to place "For Your Consideration" ads in all the trade papers like Variety and The Hollywood Reporter. Melissa tried to keep shit classy by posing in a fur with the address of her website printed in small print in the corner. It sorts of looks like an ad for a fur company you might find in the back pages of a Las Vegas hotel magazine. But okay....

Some think this is a tacky ass move that screams "I've got a 9-inch erect ego," but Melissa tells Deadline that she really had no choice since no magazine would put her on their cover due to the fact that she's not a 20-something starlet. 50-year-old Melissa says that the media isn't even trying to look at her because she's older and not a box office star. Melissa breaks it down like this:

“I took matters into my own hands. I knew what I was doing and told my representation how earnest I was about this idea. I had never heard of any actor taking out an ad as themselves and I wanted to give it a shot.

I am quite certain I have not overstepped any boundaries of the Academy. I did hear a lot of very positive comments, particularly from women of a certain age who happen to act for a living and happen to understand full well the great dilemma and mystery of getting a cover of a magazine. I also heard there were negative comments, but no one said them to my face, sadly. I like to hear what people think. I could explain myself."

The ad on the left looks like it should also contain the words ".....donating your arms to this woman" because Melissa's only got fur stumps!

But sometimes you really have to grab the dick yourself and make shit happen, so I understand what she's saying. However, Melissa should've really just saved her money for AFTER she wins the Oscar for playing a graceful Irish rose. I mean, "SUCK ON THIS, AGEIST WHORES" ads would've been so much better.

via The Slatest

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

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Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

bench craft company reviews

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

bench craft company reviews

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

&#39;Idol&#39; <b>News</b> Beat: Siobhan Magnus Records, Plus Alex Lambert <b>...</b>

Remember way back when Season 9's Alex Lambert claimed, via Twitter, to be living on the streets? Then a rep from 19 Entertainment, which has a development.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

Friday, February 11, 2011

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An octet of science <b>news</b>

Perfect Perfume - a video for Valentine's Day - A bit of fun for Valentine's Day as the team combinesto ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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An octet of science <b>news</b>

Perfect Perfume - a video for Valentine's Day - A bit of fun for Valentine's Day as the team combinesto ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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An octet of science <b>news</b>

Perfect Perfume - a video for Valentine's Day - A bit of fun for Valentine's Day as the team combinesto ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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An octet of science <b>news</b>

Perfect Perfume - a video for Valentine's Day - A bit of fun for Valentine's Day as the team combinesto ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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An octet of science <b>news</b>

Perfect Perfume - a video for Valentine's Day - A bit of fun for Valentine's Day as the team combinesto ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Kubica vows to return this season

Robert Kubica is convinced he will return to the Formula 1 track a better driver once he has recovered for the injuries he picked up in last weekend's rally crash, as he insisted he 'must' get back this year.

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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You have to decide what you want and what you may get, may not be the exact same thing. Look at your situation differently. Was your house a lot clean because it was so large? Did you lose many weekends keeping the yard up? Is there going to be some relief in moving to a different location? What is it you are looking for now? Have it planned out so you can present your deal to the investor. If the investor can work out a way to take over your home, work out the equity, give you some money to move and save your credit rating. Wouldn't that be better then going into foreclosure? While you are searching for the investor that will be your perfect match, gets the place looking good. You still want it to show well. Yes, an investor is not as finicky about how your house looks as a regular buyer who wants to live there, but it helps to have a clutter free home so that it is easy for the investor to see the house.

When you go to promote your home for sale, use the phrases "Motivated to Sell" at the header of your AD in big, bold print. Don't let the payments behind before you start promoting it for sale. Most investors want to "get in light" which means pay as little up front to buy the property as possible.
Lease options are a great way to get out from under a property. Some buyers are a little nervous right now about where the market is heading. A lease option allows them to negotiate the purchase price now. A lease option allows them to negotiate the purchase price now, give you an option deposit (moving money) and then they can decide to buy or not to buy when the option comes due at a future date. The time frame is between twelve to thirty six months. The worst scenario is you sell it or lease and someone will not keep up their bargain and the house goes back into foreclosure. So what? At least you had a chance to stay out of foreclosure. Even if they do go sideways you still have options: just get them out of the house and find someone else to gve you a down payment and "rinse and repeat". At some point the market will turn around and you will get out with your head intact.

Tips & Warnings
  • Get creative, get busy, and let the games begin! Getting rid of a house is easy-just take the importance off of it and treat it like a game. Look at all the successful garage sales going on around you: just because you don't want it doesn't mean someone else doesn't. Decide to make the best of a bad situation, promote like craze ad think outside of the box.
  • The most important thing to remember when you are faced with a bad situation on a property Is the fact that it is just a house: some bricks, wood, glass, paint, wires and carpet! There are so many more important things in life like your health, family, religion, etc and just LIFE itself! Yes, you want to be responsible and handle things with your personal integrity in full force. You will want to do the right thing and everything you can to make the situation go right. Tell everybody that you want out and willing to deal! But don't let the rest of your life dissipate into a total mess because of a chunk of brick and mortar

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Yahoo Prepping Personalized Mobile <b>News</b> Platform

Yahoo is reportedly preparing to launch a new publishing platform next week which will deliver personalized news content to mobile devices. The content will come from users' social ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today). »

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Yahoo Prepping Personalized Mobile <b>News</b> Platform

Yahoo is reportedly preparing to launch a new publishing platform next week which will deliver personalized news content to mobile devices. The content will come from users' social ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today)."></a>

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Yahoo Prepping Personalized Mobile <b>News</b> Platform

Yahoo is reportedly preparing to launch a new publishing platform next week which will deliver personalized news content to mobile devices. The content will come from users' social ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today). »

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Yahoo Prepping Personalized Mobile <b>News</b> Platform

Yahoo is reportedly preparing to launch a new publishing platform next week which will deliver personalized news content to mobile devices. The content will come from users' social ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today)."></a>

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Yahoo Prepping Personalized Mobile <b>News</b> Platform

Yahoo is reportedly preparing to launch a new publishing platform next week which will deliver personalized news content to mobile devices. The content will come from users' social ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today). »

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Yahoo Prepping Personalized Mobile <b>News</b> Platform

Yahoo is reportedly preparing to launch a new publishing platform next week which will deliver personalized news content to mobile devices. The content will come from users' social ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Yahoo Prepping Personalized Mobile <b>News</b> Platform

Yahoo is reportedly preparing to launch a new publishing platform next week which will deliver personalized news content to mobile devices. The content will come from users' social ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today). »

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Yahoo Prepping Personalized Mobile <b>News</b> Platform

Yahoo is reportedly preparing to launch a new publishing platform next week which will deliver personalized news content to mobile devices. The content will come from users' social ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today)."></a>

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Yahoo Prepping Personalized Mobile <b>News</b> Platform

Yahoo is reportedly preparing to launch a new publishing platform next week which will deliver personalized news content to mobile devices. The content will come from users' social ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Yahoo Prepping Personalized Mobile <b>News</b> Platform

Yahoo is reportedly preparing to launch a new publishing platform next week which will deliver personalized news content to mobile devices. The content will come from users' social ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/8 - Arrowhead Pride

NJ Chiefs Fan is having technical difficulties (which he told me about yesterday, which I promptly forgot this morning, which is why Arrowheadlines is so late today).